Set in Motion's story told by Nancy Brito, Founder

In 2010, I joined a mission team with my church that traveled to the impoverished village of Citalapa, Nicaragua. While we were there, we held a bike race for the villagers, awarding the winner (Jerson) a brand new bicycle. When I returned the following year, Jerson expressed tremendous gratitude for the bike claiming that it changed his life! He said it benefitted his family by improving their health and reducing their hunger. Without the bike, he, along with the other working-age men, would walk miles to the nearest bus stop where they would wait for transportation to the "campos," or fields, for work. For men like those in Citalapa, working in the campos is a primary way of obtaining food and money for their families. Unfortunately though, transportation is unreliable, and many days, men would have to walk home to their hungry families, empty-handed.  

Heartbroken by this situation and convicted by Luke 18:42, "to those who are given much, much should be expected," I felt compelled to action. In 2013, Set in Motion received 501(c)(3) status and through the generosity of our donors, we began distributing Bibles and bicycles! Each time we distribute a bike package, we share the Gospel with the family. We also try to get to know our recipient families, listening to their stories and needs. 

In 2014, we expanded into another community, Las Quebradas, Nicaragua. This community quickly stole our hearts and became the hub of our outreach to several other small communities in the Boaco region. We focused heavily on these communities for through 2016, sending multiple teams each year to distribute materials and encourage them in their faith.

Following the lead of our Nicaraguan translator, Eliud Rivera, in 2016, we began delivering food packages and meals to families who live in the "basurero," or trash dump, of the town of Jinotega, Nicaragua. 

Over time, our prayers for Nicaragua, especially for people living in rural areas, our prayers began to shift. While praying for their improved well being, we prayed even more for God to bring someone on the ground in Nicaragua to follow up with people in these communities on a regular basis and serve as a spiritual mentor for those who want to grow.

In 2018 we met Nicaraguan pastor, Martín Irias, who would do just that. Several years ago, while living in the US, Martín became a Christian and attended Fruitland Bible College where the Lord called him back to Nicaragua to serve his people there. Martín obeyed and upon arriving in Nicaragua, he started a church in his living room, and another on a road in the rural community of Casique Sasle, outside of Jinotega, Nicaragua. He also began ministering to the families in Jinotega's basurero. Additionally, Martín serves as the ministry liaison for Living Waters in Nicaragua and has a personal focus on evangelism and discipleship. 

Also in 2018, we began a partnership with Great Commission Coffee who will help enable our ministry!

Through our new partnerships with Martín and Great Commission Coffee, we expect to grow in depth and breadth of ministry! Martín has committed to follow-up regularly with families and individuals in Las Quebradas, and we have committed to continue empowering and building upon his efforts in the town of Jinotega, its Basurero and Casique Sasle. 

We fully believe that God will continue to grow this ministry--using it to reach even more people in even greater ways.